Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Tavis "Self-Proclaimed Leader of Black Folks" Smiley will not stop. After a historic night in Denver at the Democratic National Convention, this self righteous, wannabe leader has found a way to still talk bad about Barack Obama with two academics that I had previously respected, Dr. Cornel "What's with the Scarf In Summer" West and the president of Bennett College, Julianne Malveaux. These three got together on Tavis' half hour "whine & cheese" show AKA The Tavis Smiley Show and complained about what Barack Obama didn't say in his 42 minute Democratic nomination acceptance speech at Invesco Field. They mentioned how he didn't speak about Dr. King and how Barack reduced him to just "a preacher from Georgia". Hadn't every media outlet already spoken of the King "I Have A Dream" speech connection? Did he really need to repeat the obvious, so Malveaux could be pleased? Malveuax then responded to Tavis' very, callous, "so much hype... did Obama deliver?" comment by saying to him, "Not at all and quite actually her heart was broken". Malveaux then spoke with glowing kudos of the speeches by Hillary and Bill Clinton. Malveaux continued that Jesse Jackson has been very gracious about passing the "baton" on to Barack Obama. Is that not the man, who wanted to "cut the nuts off" Barack Obama a few weeks ago? If that's "passing the baton", Julianne, you can keep it. Well, Julie, if your heart was broken, you're breaking my heart right now. Dr. West then complained of how Obama didn't speak about poverty in his speech. Cornel West is a man, who recently stated in an interview that "Lil' Wayne is an intelligent brother" (if you don't know Lil' Wayne just topped the music charts with an ode to receiving fellatio titled, "Lollipop" and has previously gone to rehab for an addiction to cough syrup). I know Cornel is trying to keep his street cred with the hip-hop community, but he is really pushing it and I must take his comments with not a grain of salt, but an entire salt lick. It is amazing how these so-called highly educated people cannot grasp the concept that Barack Obama is not running for the title of "Leader of All Blacks" (a moniker presently held by a recurring guest on the Howard Stern Radio Show), but President of the United States, which includes white people and people of many other ethnicities. In a country where we are not the majority, not even the largest minority, you cannnot expect this man to layout the agenda for Black America, while trying to become leader of America. And even with what Senator Obama has achieved in this historic race, racism is not dead, there are still people out there, who will not vote for a black man just because he is black and the race is not complete until a Tuesday night in early November and John McCain has called Barack Obama congratulating him on his historic win. Malveaux and West tarnish and severly damage their images with this nitpicking on Obama's every word. They are no better than the 24 hour news cycles that daily pick apart and translate people's words to their gain. Tavis Smiley should be ashamed that he is still trying to piss on Obama's parade after his first attempt failed during the Democratic primary. I read once that "Critics are people, who sit on a hill and watch a war. And when it's over they go down and kill all the surviviors." Watch this clip above and see these three unload a few clips on Barack Obama. I have heard that the blue crab has become an endangered species, but tell me when the black crab is endangered, so I can look forward to their extinction.

Now Follow Me! Follow Me To Freedom!


Pedagogical Criticality said...

Your boy Cornell is lost, and Malveaux is on some Robinson Carusoe type mission. For once... FOR ONCE... I would love to see us (black folk) form a united front... just once... every other ethnicity in this country can get together and stand up for one another, but all we can do is tear down. Barak's rhetoric is not Cornell's rhetoric, nor is it the rhetoric of the angry black nationalist militant. Don't they realize that that ish won't get you elected!!!???

Anonymous said...

We are a "selfish" people and we must change that with our children. It really sad that we have not learned what everyother race seem to already know! But hold on we will support our criminals to the end (AKA OJ)!