"The question is moot."
"I will not eat green eggs and ham."
Quotes from the Reverend Jesse Jackson in his illustrious public speaking career.
The Reverend Jesse "What Does He Put On His W-2?" Jackson put metaphorical "nuts" and his foot in his mouth yesterday. During a break on an appearance on FOX News' The O'Reilly Report, Rev. Jesse made the comments, "Barack is talking down to black folks on faith-based initiatives... I want to cut his nuts off." First, I must comment that Jesse was angry that Obama commented to a black church on Father's Day, on how we have young men creating babies and not taking care of them. Well, Jesse, has taken this wrong as he usually does. Because it's true. Jesse wants Obama to state what his administration will do to help correct this problem. Jesse needs to get off the "help me" bandwagon. I would never say that it's not the government's responsibility to not help in some way, but it can't help out totally. There has to be a point when humans take some responsibilty to for their actions. I said HUMANS because Jackson doesn't realize that though Barack Obama was talking to a black church, he was talking to the country of young men of all ethnicities. Though black men are disproportiantely fathering babies out-of-wedlock, numbers wise there are more white men doing this and more white babies being taken care of by the American government. Jesse Jackson has yet to realize that Barack Obama is running for president of the United States of America, not the United States of Black America. If Jesse realized that in 1984 he may have won more than the state of South Carolina.
Since, his comments, Jackson has apologized. I just believe that threatening to castrate the possible future president is really going to hurt Jesse's cut of the money for his church. I mean can you imagine the deacons and the head of the ladies auxiliary, Miss Coleen, waiting in Jesse's office to "talk" to him. "We could've finally marked off that damn building fund sign out front and you go threatening possibly the first black president. Dr. King and your out-of-wedlock daughter are just beaming with pride about this one, Rhyme-master."
I wonder, how a man, who has spent years in the limelight and knows what a 'hot mic' is, makes such a mistake. Was it his way of passively aggressively speaking to Barack about faith based initiatives? Was it Jesse's dumb ass way of trying to stay relevant in a world, where his rhymes don't work like they did back in the day? Was it the old guard showing that he lost his edge? Was it Jesse's crafty way of getting those tough-to-crack, "blue collar, working white voters" to side with Obama through their ongoing detest of Jackson? Nah, Jesse isn't that smart. The be quite honest, the question may never be answered. But I can say this, at this moment in time, Jesse's life of civil rights fighting, presidency running, daredevil linguistics, hostage negotiating and Dr. Suess reciting has reduced his final epitath to thewo rds, "cut his nuts off". And in turn, he has cut off the nuts of his political legacy.
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