SATIRE: A manner of writing that mixes a critical attitude with wit and humor in an effort to improve mankind and human institutions
That's what most defendants of the most recent New Yorker magazine cover that has Barack Obama dressed in traditional Muslim garb giving his wife, Michelle, dressed like civil rights activist, Angela Davis, with rifle, bandelero and fatigues, the 'terroist fist bump' (as it was said by the responsible reporters at FOX). The New Yorker's editor, David Remnick seemed shocked by the backlash.
“Our cover … combines a number of fantastical images about the Obamas and shows them for the obvious distortions they are,” he said in a statement. I totally understand satire, because during the height of nastiness of the Democratic Primary between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama The New Yorker had a cover with the two candidates in bed at 3 AM (see photo), reaching for the phone. I am very surprised that tthere was no uproar about that cover.

I have no ill will towards, Mr. Remnick, I just believe that he wasn't thinking or he lives in a very insulated world, if he believes everyone would get the 'sly humor or satire' in the illustration, like the Central Park West crowd would. Mr. Remnick should have thought, that Senator Obama is the first black presidential nominee in U.S. history. And with the title comes a lot of extraneous and redundant questioning that usually comes from those white working class voters, who are usually resistant to the idea of a black president no matter how qualified he is. Mr. Remnick should have thought that those same voters would not look at this cover fairly and impartially and say, "My God, this illustration of obvious distortions is such a witty play on the conservative media's utterly ridiculous perception of the Obamas." No Mr. Remnick should have thought these voters are going to say, "I told you that nigger was a Muslim. And his rebellious wife gave him that secret handshake the terroists use to signal they're blowing up stuff tonight. I'm telling you can't trust him in office." An exaggeration you say, but this is also a country that voted George W. Bush into a second term (after a horrible first one), because "a wartime president needs to have the chance to complete the war he started (and look where that got us). In the over forty something elections for the Preseident of the United States not one nominee, except Barack Obama, has been steadily questioned about his religious creed and 'who he really is". We are four months away from this election and live in an instant information society. There is no God forsaken reason to not know the basics about Barack Obama. If a person says, "I don't know who he is", at this point, it's only code for 'I don't know if I can vote for a black person." I am not for censoring, but I am for thinking. If a mocking picture of John McCain as Father Time was on their cover-- oh wait, he is Father Time. M point is people can get over the mocking of age, most can see the absurdity and move on. But to mock Obama's loyalty to the country, which is what that traditional Muslim garb does and so does Michelle's AK-47. Not to mention the infamous 'fist bump', which in most black circles and neighborhoods is called 'giving each other a pound' as it was in the early ninties, when it started. But now due to conservative media ignorance and just plain old being late and corny, 'giving a pound has been turned into covert communication for Middle Eastern terrorists, who want their virgins now. Word to the wise and not so wise (see FOX channel), if you do not totally understand a cultural thing, do not comment on it,as though you do (again see FOX News).
No Mr. Remnick, I understand satire and I don't believe Barack is to be covered in teflon, but I expect you to not bet on the masses his country of being able to decipher things such as your cover without being spoonfed. No, I am not asking you to not be funny. No, I am not asking you to play into partisan politics. No, I am asking you to realize the politcal landscape for which we are on right now and not play into the ignorant voter's worst fears. Because those fears are flimsily, premised, in not the facts, but what some people want to believe. Now I think I'll go to the gym and scare all the white people, who live in fear.
Now follow Me! Follow Me to Freedom!