"Money don't have no owners, only spenders."
Omar Little, whose profession is robbing drug dealers on HBO’s “The Wire
That was just one of the many, quick-witted phrases uttered by one of those most dynamic, layered and feared characters on television in the last 20 years. Omar Little was played subtlety and nuanced by Michael K. Williams. This character caught the eyes and gathered a quick fan base with his Robin Hood M.O. of robbing from the drug dealers of Baltimore or the rich (at least as far as the hood was concerned). Omar was built of the stuff that makes legends. This man walked the streets West Baltimore wielding a shotgun with the gait of Clint Eastwood in a Sergio Leone spaghetti western. And as Eastwood his presence struck fear in all around to the point, where people yell, “Omar coming!” and the streets clear like a level 5 hurricane was coming to town.
Then there was Felecia “Snoop” Pearson, hitman and ‘muscle’ for the Marlo Stanfield drug empire. Nothing may have been more bone-chilling, as the non-chalant manner in which she shopped at Home Depot with a sales person for a nail gun in the season 4 opening episode, “Boys of Summer”. It was so scary because throughout the conversation, you didn’t know if she was man or woman and you felt this nail gun was to be used for more than nailing a support beam. And it was, as she and her partner in crime, Chris used it to reseal a makeshift row house tomb, in which they placed their victims. The actress -- Felecia Pearson -- and the character are of the same name. It’s hard to divide the artist from the art, because before her television debut, Felecia had done time in prison, for manslaughter.
As I’ve read the many, threads online about the ending of this television series, I’ve found that these two anti-heroes, who both met untimely demises in The Wire’s final season had rabid fan followings. Many begged for Omar not to be dead, even after they saw him, dead as a doornail, atop a morgue slab. Yes, there are those who theorized that it was not Omar that took the bullet to the head, but his older brother. Far fetched? Yes, but this proves how deep a character, that was only to be on the show in the first season, can touch a nerve. Snoop, with her thick, Baltimore patois, may has uttered the most “G” last words ever (“How my hair look Mike?”), seconds before she took one to the back of the head. There are so many “R.I.P.” and “I will miss you girl” in the online threads, it’s hard to pick a specific one. All I can say is, “I’m happy to finally see these two openly gay characters have such enormous followings. Yes, gay, two of today’s most feared television characters were homosexuals. Many a “thug-life reppin’ fools”, after watching an episode of The Wire were acting like little boys imitating their sports heroes, “I’m Omar!”, “No, man, I’m Omar!”. Those calls were brought to a screeching halt after Omar tenderly, kissed his stick-up partner and lover Brandon in the first season. Then the homophobia kicked into Millennium Falcon hyperspeed. You’d hear people say, “Man, I dug Omar, but then he did that gay stuff. I ain’t like that.” Nobody is saying you were taking Omar to the “No-Tell, Motel” and giving him the heat, if you say you like his character. His homo-thugness (and I might stress fake homo-thugness) can’t come through the television and rub off on you. These homo-phobic thoughts continued on until Omar was brought back in season 2, but many couldn’t resist Omar’s charm or words that were never tainted by profanities and his old school, gangster code of ethics-- you never going after a man on Sunday or he would never ‘do dirt’ on a “civilian” (one not in the drug game). And while the show always maintained and showed that Omar was man, who loved men (without showing it for exploitation), he as still revered by “WIRE” fans off all demographics. Snoop’s sexuality was never put out there, but it was just implied. Just as her ‘muscle’ and hitman partner Chris, whose personal life was implied and that’s all because with such a large cast to service you can’t always get into personal lives unless it’s part of the plot. Through the seasons, I have met WIRE fans, in the black community, who are churchgoing and as I said, thug-life repping and all in between. I find it ironic in a community that is known for it’s rampant, homophobia has embraced two homosexual characters like they have an “S” or a “bat symbol” on their chests. Then again, these characters are also both cold-blooded killers, which makes me think. Does having the ability to kill without fear or repercussion make Omar and Snoop’s sexual tastes more palatable? If Omar, as well spoken as moston the show, were an attorney, would his fan base be as big? If Snoop were a teacher at the deteriorating middle school in season 4, would we feel the same about her death? I mean Detective Kima Greggs is an open lesbian, but I have yet to find the official Detective Greggs website online. I’m going believe or hope that we are evolving as a community. Even if it’s not true, it helps me sleep easier (that’s bullsh**, I’m going to sleep like a baby no matter what).
These two, nefarious Baltimore hoods will never be forgotten. I myself will never forget Omar or Snoop. In addition, I will probably have to go into a detox facility to stop referring to Omar and Snoop like they are real people.
Now follow me to freedom!
Omar Little, whose profession is robbing drug dealers on HBO’s “The Wire
That was just one of the many, quick-witted phrases uttered by one of those most dynamic, layered and feared characters on television in the last 20 years. Omar Little was played subtlety and nuanced by Michael K. Williams. This character caught the eyes and gathered a quick fan base with his Robin Hood M.O. of robbing from the drug dealers of Baltimore or the rich (at least as far as the hood was concerned). Omar was built of the stuff that makes legends. This man walked the streets West Baltimore wielding a shotgun with the gait of Clint Eastwood in a Sergio Leone spaghetti western. And as Eastwood his presence struck fear in all around to the point, where people yell, “Omar coming!” and the streets clear like a level 5 hurricane was coming to town.
Then there was Felecia “Snoop” Pearson, hitman and ‘muscle’ for the Marlo Stanfield drug empire. Nothing may have been more bone-chilling, as the non-chalant manner in which she shopped at Home Depot with a sales person for a nail gun in the season 4 opening episode, “Boys of Summer”. It was so scary because throughout the conversation, you didn’t know if she was man or woman and you felt this nail gun was to be used for more than nailing a support beam. And it was, as she and her partner in crime, Chris used it to reseal a makeshift row house tomb, in which they placed their victims. The actress -- Felecia Pearson -- and the character are of the same name. It’s hard to divide the artist from the art, because before her television debut, Felecia had done time in prison, for manslaughter.
As I’ve read the many, threads online about the ending of this television series, I’ve found that these two anti-heroes, who both met untimely demises in The Wire’s final season had rabid fan followings. Many begged for Omar not to be dead, even after they saw him, dead as a doornail, atop a morgue slab. Yes, there are those who theorized that it was not Omar that took the bullet to the head, but his older brother. Far fetched? Yes, but this proves how deep a character, that was only to be on the show in the first season, can touch a nerve. Snoop, with her thick, Baltimore patois, may has uttered the most “G” last words ever (“How my hair look Mike?”), seconds before she took one to the back of the head. There are so many “R.I.P.” and “I will miss you girl” in the online threads, it’s hard to pick a specific one. All I can say is, “I’m happy to finally see these two openly gay characters have such enormous followings. Yes, gay, two of today’s most feared television characters were homosexuals. Many a “thug-life reppin’ fools”, after watching an episode of The Wire were acting like little boys imitating their sports heroes, “I’m Omar!”, “No, man, I’m Omar!”. Those calls were brought to a screeching halt after Omar tenderly, kissed his stick-up partner and lover Brandon in the first season. Then the homophobia kicked into Millennium Falcon hyperspeed. You’d hear people say, “Man, I dug Omar, but then he did that gay stuff. I ain’t like that.” Nobody is saying you were taking Omar to the “No-Tell, Motel” and giving him the heat, if you say you like his character. His homo-thugness (and I might stress fake homo-thugness) can’t come through the television and rub off on you. These homo-phobic thoughts continued on until Omar was brought back in season 2, but many couldn’t resist Omar’s charm or words that were never tainted by profanities and his old school, gangster code of ethics-- you never going after a man on Sunday or he would never ‘do dirt’ on a “civilian” (one not in the drug game). And while the show always maintained and showed that Omar was man, who loved men (without showing it for exploitation), he as still revered by “WIRE” fans off all demographics. Snoop’s sexuality was never put out there, but it was just implied. Just as her ‘muscle’ and hitman partner Chris, whose personal life was implied and that’s all because with such a large cast to service you can’t always get into personal lives unless it’s part of the plot. Through the seasons, I have met WIRE fans, in the black community, who are churchgoing and as I said, thug-life repping and all in between. I find it ironic in a community that is known for it’s rampant, homophobia has embraced two homosexual characters like they have an “S” or a “bat symbol” on their chests. Then again, these characters are also both cold-blooded killers, which makes me think. Does having the ability to kill without fear or repercussion make Omar and Snoop’s sexual tastes more palatable? If Omar, as well spoken as moston the show, were an attorney, would his fan base be as big? If Snoop were a teacher at the deteriorating middle school in season 4, would we feel the same about her death? I mean Detective Kima Greggs is an open lesbian, but I have yet to find the official Detective Greggs website online. I’m going believe or hope that we are evolving as a community. Even if it’s not true, it helps me sleep easier (that’s bullsh**, I’m going to sleep like a baby no matter what).
These two, nefarious Baltimore hoods will never be forgotten. I myself will never forget Omar or Snoop. In addition, I will probably have to go into a detox facility to stop referring to Omar and Snoop like they are real people.
Now follow me to freedom!