Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice “apologized” to Democratic presidential nominee candidate, Barack Obama after “discovering” that on three separate times (Jan.9th, Feb. 28th, Mar. 14th) Senator Obama’s passport filed had been breached by two independent contractors and one state department employee (who have been respectively fired and reprimanded, since). This was not reported to Obama’s camp until as early as yesterday -- yes, it took 71 days to report the breach of the passport file of a U.S. Senator and potential presidential nominee. It was quickly stated by a state department employee that these were low level employees and the file was only breached because of “curiosity”. Deezie than proceeded to apologize to senators John McCain and Hillary Clinton because their passport files have also been breached.
I find it extremely ironic (and unbelievable I might add) that just an hour after this discovery, state department employees, who were so incompetent, that they couldn’t inform Barack Obama (a daily staple of national news) of such heinous breach. They were able to determine the purpose behind these breaches by three separate entities by saying they were “based in curiosity only”. I mean that’s like kids running a lemonade stand developing the business acumen of Reginald Lewis and Bill Gates in 71 days. I don’t mean to doubt the efficiency of a government that has spent close to a trillion dollars on a 5 year old war that has supposedly been won already (remember “Mission Accomplished), but DAYUUUUM. It also speaks to the state department leadership, which brings me back to Birmingham’s favorite black woman, Deezie Rice. Isn’t amazing how she also discovered that McCain and Clinton’s passport files have been breached as Obama’s was? I mean a firestorm was brewing that Barack Obama, the Republican Party’s worst nightmare and America’s favorite political rock star, had his classified file be violated by a Bush Administration state department (which is faulty at best). A Bush Administration that is son of a Bush Administration that did the exact same thing to a former presidential nominee named William Jefferson Clinton. Coincidence, I think not. Think of it, America’s wolf-like media was chomping at the bit to get the story that the Republican Guard – I mean Republican’s Party may be at their clandestine best again to taint what could be America’s first black president. At best, if I give Deezie the benefit of the doubt that there were no evil intentions in these breaches -- she’s running the state department like a cash only beauty parlor, Deezie’s House of Hair, “We Do Perms & Classified Files”. All I KNOW for sure is that “discovering” that McCain and Clinton’s files were breached takes away the spotlight from the “evil” intentions angle on this passport breach story. All I can SAY to this "coincidental" happening of "coincidental events" is “Welcome to Deezie’s House of Hair”.
Now follow me to freedom!