Grampa Simpson lived up to his Maverick moniker by choosing Alaska Governor, Sarah "Tina Fey" Palin as his Republican running mate in his run for the big house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I applaud McCain for a smart, but desperate choice. It was smart in the sense, he knew after Barack Obama's acceptance speech that Mitt Romney or Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty would not be a pin prick in the "balloon of success" that was Barack Obama last night. That is also why this choice smells of desperation. She is virtually unknown, except by the Alaskans, who voted her into the Governor's Igloo in 2006. On the surface, she is great, being a former mayor, former sportscaster, beauty queen, self-proclaimed hockey mom and mother of five (the youngest being 4 months old). McCain is counting on this move to capture those Hillary disciples, who were voting for her only because she had a uterus and not her policies. In my opinion that is nothing less than condescending to those voters (unless it works, then he'll be a genius and I'll be moving to Canada). McCain has done nothing during his campaign but speak of Obama's inexperience and not being ready to lead, but he nominates this unknown woman to be his second as leader of the free world. He will be definitely taken to task by the press (not FOX News) on this choice. Now I am not downing Palin's being the governor of Alaska (I haven't been a governor in my lifetime), but what is she really leading up in Alaska? A large land mass state with a so-so population and a lot of wildlife. Last time I checked that wasn't caribou storming into Georgia, and those are not badgers trying to restart the Cold War. Not to mention there were many Republican women, McCain could've picked before her that had more prominent profile than a Facebook page and an Alaskan driver's license. With Grampa Simpson making 72 years old today (and not looking very spry), if he were to by some chance in hell win the presidency, Palin would need to NEVER turn off her Blackberry and always have the "World War lll for Dummies" book on her person. As the dust settles and the flash bulbs dim, the hyena like pundits will tear into her like they did Barack Obama and see what she is made of. Over the next two months for Palin, the press will do in two months to her what they did to Obama over 20 months and all McCain can do is pray that she is "ready-to-lead". And if they don't win the White house, she's always got a stand in job at "30 Rock".
Now Follow Me! Follow Me to Freedom!