President Chucklepuss has lifted economic sanctions on North Korea and the 'axis of evil', because officials have supposedly turned over long-awaited, accounting of their nuclear work (I'll believe it, when I see it). I mention this presidential smokescreen because it's these type of benign acts that keep our eyes away from what's really going on. Dubai, home to banks that funneled over one hundred thousand dollars 9/11 funds to Al-Quida and a once barren desert, is a now thriving society that could rival New York City. Now I can't pinpoint where this money is coming from, but I have a serious notion that the Iraq War (Occupation-- or whatever it's called today) is being paid for with American tax dollars.

As our economy tailspins towards third world status, Haliburton, Dick Cheney's personal 401K plan, has built a new headquarters in Dubai with thoughts of stimulating the American economy. Because if I want to stimulate United States' economy the first thing I should always do is move the company's headquarters over five thousand miles away from a struglling workforce-- SYKE. People don't notice, but I do. The Bush family has kept a strong bond with the Royal Saudis in the United Arab Emirates dating back to the first Gulf War as headed under then president George Herbert Walker Bush and as far past as post 9/11. To those who still for some reason believe in George W. Bush, I implore you to truly see that pothole you think is getting filled with your tax dollars is really a resort being built for the rich and famous.
Now Follow Me! Follow Me to Freedom!
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