Tis' the morning after. The first true weekend of college and NFL football? Nooooo, it's the day after MTV Video Music Awards or VMA's as industry professionals refer to it (and the a-holes who like to acronyms repeatedly). Which is actually weird because MTV runs so many scripted "reality" shows, I don't ever see when nominated videos could actually air. Well, I for one did not see live airing of the coveted show because I was watching the Dallas "First to Play A Super Bowl in Our--- Blah, Blah, Blah" Cowboys put one in the 'L' column against the Washington Redskins. But when that rusty dagger in their hearts was taken out, I hopped on the laptop to look into 'the social network'(phrase copyrighted by Columbia Pictures) and what did I see in the twitter sea, but the trending topic be Kan-
YE-- West that is. It seems many were praising the brave performance that closed the show. Other trending topics were Lady GaGa, the host Chelsea Handler and the pimple faced deity, Justin Beiber(spelling? don't care, never will). So I decided to see if I could catch some of the west coast feed of the show or the repeat because if nothing else MTV knows how to "encore" a show. So I'll run down my thoughts.
Thought One. People spoke online about Chelsea Handler being a horrible host. Really? It amazes me how people ask a person to read a teleprompter and introduce other people and then say they were horrible at doing it. The only reason they would be a horrible host is if they couldn't read. Then that's a whole different story that goes into adult literacy that should've been discovered way before contracts were signed. There is no real failing at this gig. People complain to this day about David Letterman's hosting of the Oscars-- crap! nobody died and the show started and finished. He competently did his job.
Thought Two. Justin Beiber, I don't get his success, nor shall I question it, but he had twelve grown men in letterman's sweaters with the letter "B" on it dancing behind him. The only thing more demoralizing than that is prison rape.
Thought Three. I stand corrected. Carrying the train to Lady GaGa's dress is even more demoralizing than back up dancing for Beiber and prison rape.
Thought Four. Kanye West's performance to close the show was brilliant. Let's get this straight Kanye West is a talented producer. He makes some good music but because of his sales, the PR machine, his obnoxious behavior and well his own declaration, he is deemed genius. His performance to close the show was not so brilliant. In a blood red suit, black shirt and gold chains, he stood alone playing a beat machine on a bare stage (I get the symbolism-- all I started with is me and my music). He commenced to perform the song, Runaway, which containts the lyrics "You've been putting up with my sh** too long" and "let's have a toast for the douchebags". He also had some ballet dancers bounding around the stage. Some will label me the infamous word "hater", but I like the term realist. 365 days ago, a drunken Kanye West ran up on stage and turned Taylor Swift into a superstar not for her talent but his interrupting her recieving an award because Kanyeezy thought Beyonce deserved the award (or he wanted to be noticed). The blowback from him destroying that young lady's moment made him realize that people were tired of his antics. I want to believe KanYeezy was sincere, but the last few weeks on Twitter he has been tweetng about how sorry he was for the Taylor Swift incident. I wanted to believe that but one his tweets was "I wish I could talk to all of my haters". Kayne-- bruh, if you ruined Taylor Swift's moment, the people aren't the haters,
YOU are. Was he sincere? I think not.
Thought Five. Eminem did the opening performance and left the theater immediately though he was receiving awards that night. When a perfomer of his caliber and such a high visibilty, leaves the awards show he opened, what does that say about said show? It's like Mel Gibson--okay not him-- but it's like Meryl Streep presenting at the Oscars then leaving even though she is up for Best Actress. Many area saying they saw this amazing show. Maybe I need glasses.
Now Follow Me! Follow Me to Freedom!
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