To quote Sergeant Waters from the film “A Soldier’s Story", "The black race can’t afford you no more, C.J.". What Sgt. Waters meant by this was that C.J. was such a smiling, cowering, subservient shuffling a**, ni**r, that C.J. and his actions actually held the entire black race from progressing in America. Do you know how much “shucking, jiving and cooning” you have to do to hold back, what today would be over thirty million black people? A whole lot has to be done and this statement is probably and sadly going to be a frequent entry here at the Bastille, because repeatedly and sadly there are black people (or maybe we should call them shameless Negroes), who fill this bill everyday.
The first entry in this shameful category will be “Bob “Ni**a Jim” Johnson, self made black, billionaire and creator of BET, the network that we here at the Bastille believe stands a strong second behind slavery on the list, “Top Ten Things That Have Hurt the Black Race”. Well Ni**a Jim has opened his mouth again. Last time we heard from Ni**a Jim he was referring to to Obama's acknowledged teenage drug use while introducing Clinton at a South Carolina event. He said the Clintons ''have been deeply and emotionally involved in black issues -- when Barack Obama was doing something in the neighborhood; I won't say what he was doing, but he said it in his book -- when they have been involved.'' Well, now Ni**a Jim is commenting on the previous remarks made by former Democrat Vice Presidential nominee, Geraldine Ferrraro. She stepped down last month as an adviser to Clinton amid controversy over comments she made to the Daily Breeze newspaper in Torrance, Calif. ''If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position,'' Ferraro said. ''And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.'' Ni**a Jim has chimed in with this, “What I believe Geraldine Ferraro meant is that if you take a freshman senator from Illinois called ‘Jerry Smith’ and he says, “I’m going to run for president, would he start off with 90 percent of the black vote? And the answer is probably not. Ni**a Jim added, “Geraldine said it right. The problem is Geraldine is white. This campaign has such a hair-trigger on anything racial it is impossible for anybody to say anything.”
Ni**a Jim asks, “If you take a freshman senator from Illinois called ‘Jerry Smith’ and he says, “I’m going to run for president, would he start off with 90 percent of the black vote? And the answer is probably not. But we here at the Bastille ask, “If you take a young, black senator from Illinois called ‘Barack Obama and he said, “I’m going to run for president, would he start off with 90 percent of the white vote? The answer is an emphatic NO, but Barack has worked and earned that white vote— as Bill Clinton went out and earned the black vote in 1992. Ni**a Jim wants to create an atmosphere of “Barack can’t get my vote just because he’s black”, but yet he and a number of others treat Hillary Clinton like the massa’s wife. “Miss Hillary and Massa Bill been so good to me. They gaves me access to other rich white people and they tolds them hows I talks so well and I’se not like those otha ni**as, who want level playing fields and for America to help those Rwanadan ni**as—I mean dey not even from America. Miss Hillary slepts in the same bed with Massa Bill. All that big brain Massa Bill gots, had to rub off on Miss Hillary after eight years in the White House. She’s got to be able to run this country better than that ole’ drug taking, African, Barack Osama.”
Ni**a Jim just needs to admit that he’s been promised something on the back end, if Hillary gets into the White House. He is already a billionaire and at this point I can only assume he longs for more power and not the type of power that he can attain through running his ni**a network. Ni**a Jim had access to the highest to office via Billy Clinton and now he has his eyes on some sort of position in the new Clinton administration (if it happens). His latest Obama attack smells of desperation and desperation is the last refuge of a scoundrel (or a ni**a in this case). So I officially place Bob”Ni**a Jim” Johnson into the category of the Black Race Can’t Afford You No More.
Now follow me! Follow me to freedom!
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