Last night, there was a catfight on television, disguised as a Democratic debate. Facilitated by ABC and two of what I had considered to be their better journalists, Charlie Gibson and former Clinton advisor, George Stephanapoulos—at least until last night. In what I thought was supposed to be a two-hour debate about important issues, Gibson and Stephanapoulos grilled Barack Obama on his recent “bitter” remarks towards small town people and the Pastor Jeremiah Wright for the debate’s first forty-five minutes. Hillary Clinton then jumped into the foray, as Bugs Bunny would say, “dog-pile on the rabbit”. Hillary jumped in every time she could to take a dig at Obama by speaking of Pastor Wright’s comments saying, “were unacceptable and are offensive”. She then commented on Barack Obama’s being on a board with a man, who was part of the terrorist group named the Weather Underground. The sad part about Hillary’s attack is that her “razor-sharp, 3-in-the-morning” mind forgot that her own husband Bill Clinton gave a presidential pardon to two members of the Weather Underground. Again this debate was an example of how the Democratic party is blurring the line between themselves and the Republican party by attacking and not talking about the issues. I understand Stephanapoulos’ attacks, though biased and unwarranted, come from his loyalty of being advisor to Hillary’s husband, Slick Willie. It’s sad that neither, Gibson or Stephanapoulos felt a need to speak about the issues that plague and erode at America’s core. We have a steady escalating, 2.2 trillion dollar debt, which has made us “bottom bitch” to our respective “pimps” in China, Dubai and Russia. Our armed services have been overworked in the Iraq and Afghanistan. Our economy flaps back and forth like a freshly caught marlin on the deck of a South Florida trawler. American jobs are outsourced daily to other countries with the frequency of a Bush veto. and let's not forget that both a gallon of gas and a gallon of milk both cost $4-- that's right, a gallon of refined petroleum and cow piss are worth the smae thing. But I guess it’s more important to mold and carve at every, benign, phrase uttered on the campaign trail like a neurosurgeon, then find out how these people will be the best person to lead this country out of it’s present Bush quagmire.
Last night and today TV and radio pundits have spoken of how Obama didn’t do well and should have returned the attacks to Senator Clinton. Those of you, who are black or should I say black and have common sense, because being black doesn’t always assure you common sense, (see Bob “Ni**a Jim” Johnson, Tavis Smiley, I really don’t have enough space or time to continue this list), probably understand that Obama has to be careful in his words when dealing with Hillary Clinton. As progressive as we are in America, we still live in a country, where men are expected to be chivalrous to women and Obama can't afford to be too brash, because bottom line--- drum roll please-- Barack Obama is a black man. Obama may have given a historic speech on American racial matters and may be close to taking the Democratic nomination, but if he even starts to seem like he is attacking, a sixty year old white woman, he goes from “one of the good ones” to being a thuggish-ruggish, ni**er in 3.4 seconds. In the end, if Obama gets the nod at least he’s getting a taste of what the Republicans are going to do to him. Buckle up Barack, it’s about to be a bumpy ride.
Now follow me! Follow me to freedom!
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