Pastor Jeremiah "Pulpit Pimp" Wright is in the news again, hogging the spotlight and playing into every black preacher stereotype we could think. He recently emerged to do defend himself in an interview with Bill Moyers. In the interview, he said "I am a pastor and Barack said what he said because he was a politician". Now most intelligent people can see that he doesn't speak for Barack Obama, but most simple mother******s will think Wright is implying that Barack just said that Philly speech for the public, but he's still with me. To top it off Wright went on to speak before the National Press Club in Washington, DC and the NAACP in Detroit. This fool is going on a speaking tour. To be honest this should not really be an issue after Obama denounced Wright political views, but it won't because Obama is two steps away from the highest office in the land and those people in the mainstream, who want to keep that streak at 44 white people in a row, will take any edge that they can.
I could have excused the Bill Moyers interview to be quite honest, because he let people see he was more than a YouTube clip. But Mr. Fire & Brimstone went before the National Press Club talking about the "dozens" and how "you don't talk about my mama" AKA "showing his ass". If Wright had responded immediately to the first accusations against his character, I could understand his speaking, because a person has the right to defend himself. This sorry, calculating, excuse of a man decided to do this at a critical juncture in Obama's campaign. Wright is no better than Jackson or Sharpton, who show up when the "live shot" camera lights turn on. Wright even had the nerve to say to the NAACP, that "I'm still going to be a pastor in November and January" and these are when the Presidential election and Inagurations, respectively, take place. Wright could've waited until this all was over and he decided on now-- out of the blue was best. The Pulpit Pimp is an ass**** and if Obama by snowball's chance in hell were to lose this nomination (that is mathematically impossible right now) Wright's reputation will be SH** at best and he would be the most hated Black man in America. Whatever good he has done in his 60 some odd years would be obliterated by his actions now. When Barack Obama takes office he should ask Wright to swear him in and then have the Secret Service take his ass away right before the ceremony--- to an undisclosed location. So Pulpit Pimp I invite you into the green room for a syrup sandwich, hush puppies and moonshine for the black race can't afford your sorry, selfish ass no more, for your actions could literally hold back the black race.
Now follow me! Follow me to freedom!
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