While corporate media focuses on the slap fight also known as the Democratic primary, President Chucklepuss was down in New Orleans meeting PRIVATELY with conservative, Mexican President, Felipe Calderon and conservative Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Felipe and Stevie were attending the fourth annual North American Leaders' Summit, to discuss common economic and security goals, but I’d be one to think that they were talking about the infamous Amero unit of currency. What’s the Amero, you ask? That is the North American equivalent of the Euro, which is used in the U.K.. I can’t confirm this to be the subject of the clandenstine meeting, but our secretive leaders have discussed behind closed doors having one form of currency for North America. In an election year where Americans are concerned about NAFTA’s steady grazing on American jobs and the economy, Chucklepuss and his conservative compadees are discussing making our currency one. Doing this in turn would basically tear down the borders that Chucklepuss’ working class consituents want so dearly to stay up. I know this is speculation, but it’s food for thought. Our God-fearing, conservative leader is basically tearing a new a**hole into the core beliefs of his true followers. I hope this story reaches Chucklepuss’ followers, then again I wished it could’ve reached them before they voted him back into office.
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