Let My People Go!
Charles Heston as Moses in The Ten Commandments
I want to pay my respects to actor and former NRA president, Charles “Moses” Heston, who passed at the age of eighty-four. Born John Charles Carter, Moses was a well-lauded actor and damn sure, conservative, with his pro-life support and gun rights support. Not as well publicized is that Moses also pounded the pavement with Dr. Martin Luther King for civil rights. Dr. King repeatedly would thank Chuck for his tireless support. He became famous for his acting and starring in films like Ben Hur (for which he won the Oscar), Moses in The Ten Commandments and the sc-fi film classic, Planet of the Apes as Taylor, the surviving astronaut on a, well, planet of apes. Known for his chiseled good looks, he starred in the epic film, as Moses, when it wasn’t really chic or accepted that Moses was really a colored guy. Heston stood for civil rights, but he wasn’t giving up that Moses gig, huh? In his latter years, Moses was a stand up guy for the right to bear arms and was famously played in the Michael Moore film, "Bowling for Columbine". I must say his rugged acting and delivery of lines were quite entertaining. In the sequel to Planet of the Apes, titled Beneath the Planet of the Apes (didn't see that title coming) Heston's character Taylor's last words were him cursing out a baboon, "You bloody bastard!" If you don't want to watch Heston's film on DVD, watch the CGI comedy "Madagascar" and watch the leader of the penguins. I'm quite sure he's channeling a comedic version of Heston, but I am not here to rib and jest Moses. So, I’ll wrap up this eulogy by paying the only tribute that I can, "Get your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape!”
Now follow me! Follow me to freedom!
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