In the episode titled, “That’s Got his Own”, there’s a scene in which, Namond Brice, wannabe corner boy and offspring of Wee-Bay Brice (former #1 soldier for the Barksdale drug crew) comes clean about who he is. In front of boxing coach/former Barksdale soldier, Cutty and a policeman, Sgt. Carver, Namond says through his tears, “I can’t do it. I can’t. She wants me to be like my father. I can’t be him.” Namond’s overbearing mother has forced Namond to get his own “packages” and sling dope on the streets of Baltimore. She expects Namond to be the man that Wee-Bay was and let me tell you, DNA does not a ‘street soldier’ make. Namond has cracked and realized that he isn’t built to run a drug crew and be the man of his house at the age of thirteen. She has spoiled Namond rotten for years with the expectation that he would be a true earner like his father, Wee-Bay. Well, don’t go chasing waterfalls lady.

Namond’s actions began to remind me so much of George. W. “Chucklepuss” Bush, I was perplexed by the similarities. Chucklepuss was a young spoiled, brat, who has been protected all his life by mommy and daddy and been groomed for “the game” (aka US government). Chucklepuss brags about his family being in “the game” (see Chuckle in documentary “Farenheight 9/11”) and wants to enter the “the game”, despite his lack of experience and heart. Chucklepuss’ actions are so Namod Brice, I want to see him get a patented “Namond” ponytail.
Now if you are a fan of “The Wire”, take a moment and feel me on this. Namond’s mom (a composite of George Sr. and Barbara) got former Barksdale soldier, Bodie (a composite of George Sr’s friends and administration) to help Namond (Chucklepuss) get started with a “package” (the presidency). Now Chucklepuss has been steadily f***ing up his “package”(just like Namond) over the past seven years—going on eight. But Chucklepuss, unlike Namond, has got Barksdale muscle (i.e. Dick “There Will Be Blood” Cheney, Karl “Liar, Liar” Rove, etc.) to cover up his incompetent leadership. With that type of muscle, Chucklepuss has been able to take over federal budget, the Justice system, spread “democracy” to Iraq and destroy the U.S. Constitution. So it is safe to say, that Chucklepuss has taken over all the Westside corners, from where the Towers once stood to downtown, Baghdad --- I mean Baltimore. I would like to believe that Chucklepuss has broken down and cried like Namond once or twice about this quagmire called The Iraqi War, but then I think better of myself and less of him.
I once recall Namond, “punking out”, when our quartet of boys got into a fight with some boys from the Eastside, and then running away in fear, when he saw Michael getting beat down by two boys. It recalls the morning of 9/11, when Chucklepuss shuffled off and flew to Shreveport and no one knew his whereabouts for a few hours. There was also the time 10 year-old Kenard stole money from, Namond and he had to get Michael to help him get his money back from Kenard. This incident recalls how Chucklepuss had to get his daddy and Bill Clinton to help, allay the ire of people, over the government’s slow response to Hurricane Katrina. Chucklepuss is Namond Brice, a fraud of a kid riding on his daddy’s rep in the street hoping that his secret will never be exposed. Bottom line, I think we all accept that there are many Namond Brices in this world holding down corners, but we don't want them holding the office of Presidency of the United States.
Now follow me! Follow me to freedom!
1 comment:
that's pretty accurate.
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