“I don’t see nothing wrong, with a little bump-n-grind.”
Lyrics by R & B Crooner and all around nasty motherfucker,
This just in from the Second City justice system.
A Cook County jury on Friday acquitted R&B superstar R. Kelly of child pornography charges, marking the end of a high-profile trial rich in courtroom drama and celebrity intrigue.
The 41-year-old singer, whose real name is Robert Kelly, long denied charges that he videotaped himself engaging in a variety of sex acts with his then-underage goddaughter. Authorities said the female in the video could have been as young as 13 at the time.
The jury of nine men and three women deliberated for 7 ½ hours before finding Kelly not guilty on all 14 counts.
The verdict ends a bizarre case that had languished for nearly six years. During almost four weeks of testimony, the jury heard about three-person sexual encounters and watched a sex tape in which the male participant is seen urinating on a female.
The prosecution presented 22 witnesses including several childhood friends and four family members, who identified their then 13 year-old young lady. Twenty-two people recognized this perverted man as having sex with this then underage young lady and the cherry on top – urinating on her – let me restate that -- pissing on a little girl. We here at the Bastille hopes he never sells another CD. May he be banished to selling home-burned CD’s on the streets of Chicago out the back of an Escalade. There is not a song in this world – at least I thought so – that should have gotten this bastard off, but obviously it did. I will assume the girl and her family have been paid off. Now that Mr. Kelly is free I assume he will record a CD like Trapped In Closet – forgive me-- a mini-opera. I can see the title now, “Junior High Love”. After this pedo was originally arrested he started wearing masks in public, came out with an album called the Chocolate Factory and started calling himself the Pied Piper of R & B. How much does this man have to dare society to convict him. I’ve spoke on karma before and if there is such a thing, there are going to be five men resembling, mixed-martial artist Kimbo Slice, who are going treat his sphincter like NASA treats the planet Mars – exploring a new frontier in perpetuity.
Now follow me! Follow me to freedom!
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