mission (mi-shun) The business with which such a body of persons is charged OR a special assignment that is given to a person or group.
accomplished (a-kom-plisht) Unquestionable; task completed
Together these words form the phrase MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. These are the words used by President Chucklepuss two weeks after U.S. forces and the "coalition of the willing" (what a crock of sh** that title was) entered Iraq and toppled the regime of Saddam Hussein or more like the statue of Saddam Hussein. Either way it's been five years since that heralded day and 4000 American body bags later we celebrate the 5th anniversary of the occupation of Iraq AKA "The Quagmire That won't Quit". Chucklepuss has lied to the American public so much about it he believes we've been successful and Vice President Stroke-Mouth just doens't give a fu** about the American public as much as he cares about Haliburton stock. He told a reporter after being told that two thirds of the American public disagree with this war, "SO". Is that not that not taking it from behind with no grease America or maybe I should direct that question at the people, who were lobotomized enough to vote for Chucklepuss in 2004. I could say more, but the economy and this ongoing war says something everyday.
Now follow me! Follow me to freedom!
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