Newly sworn in New York governor David "Days Inn" Paterson placed all his cards on the table his first day in office.
Responding to rumors circulating in Albany, Paterson and his wife, Michelle, told the Daily News of New York City that both had affairs during a rough patch in their marriage several years ago.
“This was a marriage that appeared to be going sour at one point,” Paterson told the Daily News. “But I went to counseling and we decided we wanted to make it work. Michelle is well aware of what went on.”
Paterson told the newspaper that he maintained a relationship with another woman from 1999 until 2001. He and his wife, Michelle, eventually sought counseling and repaired their relationship. The couple did not go into details. Paterson and the other woman sometimes stayed at a Days Inn on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, the governor said, adding that his Albany staff sometimes stayed there as well when they were in the city. Paterson said he did not use government or campaign funds to pay for the romantic encounters.
Big Dave might be legally, blind, but quite obviously somebody caught his eye. I guess he figured, he'd better let folks know he got his freak on. Now that's it out there folks have to live with it and let him get to running the state. In his defense, he wasn't paying for it(see former New York governor Spitzer) and he and his wife weren't having a 3-way with their driver(see former New Jersey governor McGreevy). But I don't think that First Lady Paterson would've stood for a freakset anyway. Do you see her in the photo above? She has a "I will not hesitate to rip off my earrings, put some Vaseline on and beat somebody's ass" look on her face.
In an age, where Bill Clinton admits to using but not smoking, Barack Obama admits to smoking and inhaling-- I find it quite refreshing to have a governor say "I was creeping. I was creeping on my old lady for 2 years. And she was getting her freak on too." It's very European, like having a French president without denouncing your American citizenship." We as a country are realizing that people in esteemed offices can have flawed pasts and still perform their appointed duties. So unless the next embarrassed American governor is f***ing a monkey, please don't call me.
Now follow me to freedom!
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