Do you remember, when you were a freshman in high school? You had some apprehension, about your appearance, about being in a new place, facing the unknown and facing those then imposing giants called seniors. You would see this extremely geeky, guy and he comes up and knocks your books out of your hands. You know you can take this son-of-a-bitch but he says, “I’m a senior”. The only reason you don’t pummel this bastard is because he is a senior and there is always the threat of the respected seniors backing him up and subsequently beating your ass, so you back off. The creepy bastard then slinks off laughing under the thin protection, that he gained only because of time. He waited for years to get here and nothing else. No captain of the of the football team, no student body president, not even a smart kid, who will eventually become Bill Gates—no just a geeky kid with a rich and powerful dad.
Well, the geeky senior, George Bush just spoke minutes ago to the Economic Club of New York about the economy. Within five sentences he said, “the U.S.A was the economic envy of the world”, “there will be ups and downs in the market”, “we have had 52 consecutive months in job growth and that’s a record” and “our economy is obviously going through a tough time”. Then out of nowhere, “W” brought in the ideology that is a favorite of his administration by saying, “and then there was the attacks of September 11th, 2001, which many of you saw first hand (this man has a talent for stating the obvious). In most cases, this behavior would be called schizophrenic, but for now I’ll just call it “geeky senior” behavior. George W. Bush is in the backstretch of his high school career (see the presidency), he has gotten his final grades and he is just fucking with freshman (see Americans) because he can. And the freshman he’s really getting to are those, who were stupid enough to have voted for him not just in 2000, but 2004. Those freshmen who didn’t vote for him give him his respect, but Bush wouldn’t dare fu** with them for fear of retaliation. I hope the new freshman think carefully, when stepping into the voting booth in November. Because there’s another senior (pun very intended), named McCain, who’s waiting to push over a few freshman lunch trays. I’m damn glad this school year is almost over.
Now follow me to freedom!
Well, the geeky senior, George Bush just spoke minutes ago to the Economic Club of New York about the economy. Within five sentences he said, “the U.S.A was the economic envy of the world”, “there will be ups and downs in the market”, “we have had 52 consecutive months in job growth and that’s a record” and “our economy is obviously going through a tough time”. Then out of nowhere, “W” brought in the ideology that is a favorite of his administration by saying, “and then there was the attacks of September 11th, 2001, which many of you saw first hand (this man has a talent for stating the obvious). In most cases, this behavior would be called schizophrenic, but for now I’ll just call it “geeky senior” behavior. George W. Bush is in the backstretch of his high school career (see the presidency), he has gotten his final grades and he is just fucking with freshman (see Americans) because he can. And the freshman he’s really getting to are those, who were stupid enough to have voted for him not just in 2000, but 2004. Those freshmen who didn’t vote for him give him his respect, but Bush wouldn’t dare fu** with them for fear of retaliation. I hope the new freshman think carefully, when stepping into the voting booth in November. Because there’s another senior (pun very intended), named McCain, who’s waiting to push over a few freshman lunch trays. I’m damn glad this school year is almost over.
Now follow me to freedom!
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