So, why is this thing still going on?
If the black guy were mathematically out of the race and the entitled white woman were winning, would this race still be going on?
Why is she using the “I do better with white blue collar men” argument? Hello entitled white woman! Blue collar white men have overwhelmingly voted republican since the Reagan Era. In November, you won’t win them!
Ok. Ok. For the sake of argument, let’s just say that she is “more electable”. Let’s just say the Super Delegates decide to disregard all pledged delegates and the primary process and decide to snatch the nomination from Barack Obama….
Wait. Before I go on with the “Let’s-just-say” scenario, here are two quick historical tidbits:
1. When John Kerry ran for office and LOST, his most loyal supporters were African Americans. When Al Gore “LOST” (notice the quotations marks) his most loyal supporters were African Americans. When Bill Clinton aka Slick Willie, (Inhale deeply This list is long (pun?) ) ran for office and won in 92 and 96, fought Ken Starr and the “Right Wing Conspiracy”, checked Monica Lewinsky’s tonsils but “did not have sexual relations with that woman”, left forensics on her dress, apologized, was impeached and left office under a shadow of shame, his most loyal supporters were AFRICAN AMERICANS. In fact, he moved his office to the African American “headquarters”- Harlem, of all places. That’s historical tidbit number one.
2. The second historical morsel is quick and very easy to understand. Up until the 1960’s, when JFK and Lyndon Johnson made one of the savviest political moves in generations by pushing the Civil Rights Act and as GOP made one of the biggest political blunders in generations by denouncing the Civil Rights Act, the African American vote had always gone overwhelmingly republican.
Now keep those tidbits in mind.
Where was I? Yes. For the sake of argument, let’s just say that Super Delegate Dems decide to snatch the nomination from Obama after he won more popular votes, won more states, PLAYED BY THE RULES, won more pledged delegates all while inspiring millions of first time voters to participate in the political process and enduring unrelenting scrutiny. The Dems won’t have to worry about the blue collar white male vote. They will have lost the most loyal constituency they have EVER had- African Americans.
Sure. Some African Americans would vote for Clinton. Some would not vote all. Some would write in Obama. Some would even vote for Nader or McCain. But the loyalty would be lost, leaving the GOP with an opening to perhaps add Condie Rice to the Republican ticket. Hmmm.
Yep. The Dems will have self destructed once again. But this time, it wouldn’t be Dukakis in a Bradley Tank. It wouldn’t be John Kerry “voting for it before voting against the war”. It wouldn’t even be forensics on a blue dress.
It would be two acts the Dems have always accused GOP of - HYPOCRISY and DISCLUSION. The 2008 African American is far more educated and sophisticated than the 1968 model. We will not be taken for granted and will definitely not be disregarded.
African Americans will interpret this slap in the face as the Dems saying, “You can vote for us. Raise money for us. But never, ever lead us.” Or in ol’ fashion terms “You can work with me, come to my house some times, but I will never work for you or allow you to date my daughter”
Finally, for the sake of argument, if this were to happen, the irony would be that the Dems would validate many of the views Rev Jeremiah Wright made in his incendiary sermons.
Now follow me! Follow me to freedom!
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