Yesterday President Chucklepuss expressed in an interview the sacrifices he is enduring while we are at war with Iraq. His penance was his golf game… you heard right, his golf game. Chucklepuss’ statement was as follows:
"I don't want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf," he said. "I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal."
Bush said he made that decision after the August 2003 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, which killed Sergio Vieira de Mello, the top U.N. official in Iraq and the organization's high commissioner for human rights. "I remember when de Mello, who was at the U.N., got killed in Baghdad as a result of these murderers taking this good man's life," he said. "I was playing golf -- I think I was in central Texas -- and they pulled me off the golf course and I said, 'It's just not worth it anymore to do.'"
Yes, the ALLEGED, “self-righteous, Crawford, Texas, brush moving, ex-cocaine snorting, oil company running into the ground, Samy Sosa trading, voted in by the Supreme Court” so-called president has equated not playing the “elitist” game of golf to the sacrifice that one of the over four thousand families have suffered via loved ones killed in Iraq due to his Coalition of the Willing, who was FORCED into battle under the direction of his WMD lie. Why has this man not been brought before congress for crimes of stupidity. I cannot understand for the lie of me, why there is 29 percent of the country that still believes this man is doing a good job. His corporate supported, arrogance is palpable and a disgrace at best. I can only say this, if the notions of karma and hell are real, there is a thousand acre ranch there and the only plow mule is named Chucklepuss aka George W.
Now follow me! Follow me to freedom!
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