Those were the words uttered by former Alabama Governor and segregationist supporter, George Wallace when he opposed the integrating of the schools in his state. I’m afraid that if this Democratic presidential nomination race continues, the words may be repeated by one, Hillary Clinton. In the wake of the Indiana and North Carolina primaries, it is becoming clear that she is not favored to win at all. In what seems to be the desperate acts of a true loser, she has resorted to begging, lying and race-baiting. In her post Indiana primary speech she lied by saying she was winning the race, she then begged people to give her more money to ‘get to the White House’ and she race-baited by making a very disparaging remark to USA Today. She told the newspaper that she was the favored candidate of “hardworking Americans, hardworking, white Americans” and that her black, opponent, Barack Obama “just can’t cut it with that crowd”. This statement strongly implies (if not states), that white people are hard working and black people are not (and I’ll assume lazy SOB’s). It also seriously implies blue-collar white people will just not vote for Obama and that a white person’s vote is worth more than a black person’s vote. This is quite amazing, being that the black vote played an extremely, significant, role in her husband Bill becoming president in 1992 and 1996. ]It is thought that if the black vote had showed up in larger numbers in 2004, John Kerry would be president today instead of old, Chucklepuss.

One of Mrs. Clinton biggest problems (in addition to resorting to the Southern strategies of the past of playing on race) that placed her in this position was that she really took her “hardworking white Americans” for granted as being stupid (as exampled with her aping John McCain’s ‘summer gas tax’ with it’s $30 savings). She also took the black voters for granted, by thinking she could gain their vote by attending a few black church services and Photoshop Maya Angelou into a campaign commercial. This is the equivalent of trying to lure black people into a voting booth with fried chicken, watermelon and screw-top wine. And yes there are those black people, who support Hillary, but at this point after weeks of playing the race card, if you still are supporting her low-ball tactics, you are border-lining on having Stockholm Syndrome, “Miss Hillary sho’ am good to us”. We forget that Hillary was a Republican before she met Bill and I think under extreme amounts of pressure a person can have their true self-exposed. Hillary is unconsciously showing her true self to the public, with her race politics, which is a sad expose’ on the first true female presidential nominee. Many black people did not vote for her and to say the least, Hillary and Bill have been floored by this phenomenon, much like the slave-owners, who were shocked that their slaves left them, after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. I can see Miss Clinton on the plantation steps, talking to Massa Clinton now, “Bill, didn’t we treat them good? We put black people in jobs, we made the economy better for not only white people, we went to church with them and all we asked them was to blindly give me their vote off what you—I mean we did in the White House. I just don’t get it. Now they expect us to solicit their vote. They’re crazy.” Her statement was so inane that New York representative Charles Rangel, who is black and been an unapologetic Hillary supporter, said, “I can’t believe that Senator Clinton would say anything that dumb.” Senator Clinton has used this venomous rhetoric in the vein of Nixon, Wallace and anyone working towards achieving the Republican agenda. Hillary is shameless and every day she doesn’t go off into the sunset, she looks like a delusional, sore loser and the hallowed Clinton political named is besmirched like Mike Tyson’s name, if there is anything else left to besmirch (please don’t ever read this blog entry Mike).
Now follow me! Follow me to freedom!
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