I have worked as an entertainment entrance liaison or it’s more familiar term, a bouncer. I have worked at upscale nightclubs and hole-in-the-wall joints and a few things I have found to be consistent. There is always going to be people, who have to be asked to go or forced to go. person usually feels they can drop a name associated with the establishment or just plain has had too much to drink. Democratic—- dare I say, former Democratic Presidential nominee, Hillary “Do You Know Who I Am?” Clinton. It’s the type of person, I’d politely say something to once or twice, hoping that they get the idea by noticing the bar-backs wiping off tables or the waitresses counting their tips or the fact that the light is on and large black men—I mean bouncers are saying, “Good night, thanks for coming.” You know, the obvious signs. As in the case of this Democratic Primary, where when your opponents has more votes than you in certain categories. Early on, Mrs. Clinton lead in Superdelegates, who are the basis of how she was going to win the party’s nomination. It has in recent days, been overtaken by Senator Obama, who also leads her in the popular vote and pledged delegates. The only category Mrs. Clinton actually leads in is Presidential Nominees with a uterus and the ability to give birth. I say this to express my fondest wishes to Mrs. Clinton is her future endeavors, because this is race is over. Lying to people in upcoming state primaries by saying, “things are about to turn” and spending Chelsea’s inheritance on this exercise in futility make her look like the guy at the bar, who has been drinking all night and feels because of that fact he is entitled to stay as long as he desires, despite establishment employees being ready to go home. That drunkard is looking to pick a fight with the first person, that speaks to them, so they can interpret it as an attack on their person and lash out. Long story short, Hilary has been drinking shots of Johnnie Walker Blue all night, Super Tuesday was last call for alcohol, Pennsylvania was the lights being turned on and a friendly ‘good night’. North Carolina was the polite “ma am, we’re closing” as the chairs are placed on tables. Oregon is going to be, when the bouncers say, “Ma am, you’ve got to go somewhere other than here or we will forcibly take you out”. Hillary please leave the nightclub before the goons have to help you leave.
Now follow me! Follow me to freedom!
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