In recent weeks, since the Barack Obama/Reverend Jeremiah Wright “incident”, the fire in their ire of some Caucasians has been ignited, so to speak. I hear a number of level-headed people saying things like, “I don’t know about Obama now.” I couldn’t understand their feelings, until I recalled the old Native American adage, “Judge no man, until you walk a mile in his moccasins”. So while I have no makeup to pull an "Eddie Murphy", I just thought real hard about why Obama or for that fact, the idea of a black president would scare them.
If blacks were in the majority, that means for over two hundred, thirty-two years black men would have been in charge of America. That means forty-three black men would have held the office of the President of the United States (POTUS).

So here we are in opposite world, where for the first time in U.S. history a white man and a black woman are making a serious run for the office of POTUS. There have been white men and black women, who tried before but never in history has the public responded like this to their candidacies.

I’ve reasoned that the equivalent of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in this world would be former U.S. Senators Carole Mosley Braun and John Edwards. Conservative black people and even the ones to the right and left of “the middle” would question them by saying or thinking things like “they’re smart, educated and have some experience, but are they really ready to run this country? You know, run it like a black man?" The reality of this country’s position on the global front would then sink in and they start thinking “President Jackson (George W. Bush) and Vice President Thomas (Cheney) are slipping. Jesse and Clarence are running the country and economy into the ground. That Braun chick or that Edwards guy can’t do any worse.” Then they look to the remaining black male candidate, the wise, old, Dick Gregory (John McCain) and catch themselves and say, “No. Dick Gregory can fix this quagmire and get America back on track. I know he’s old and recently asked the governor of New Mexico 'how did ABC feel about you running the state and doing your sitcom?', but still, if Dick can just win the election and live through the inauguration, Vice President Larry Elder (Joe Lieberman) can hold things down and make things right.”
So I wrap this up, by saying to those few Caucasian people, who are hesitant about placing a black man, a white woman or anybody other than a white man into the office of the POTUS. If a white woman or black man won this upcoming election, I assure you, that men will not be turned into the indentured servants of women and slavery will not be reinstated. And to those of you, who just can’t grasp this concept, “Gregory/Elder 08!”

Now follow me! Follow me to freedom!
1 comment:
you hit the nail on the head. its all in the perception of the norm. the problem is that most people, unless they have personal experience with someone of a different race, culture, sexual orientation, etc., will continue to view the "other" from what they've learned from our popular culture, the media, what their parents said, etc. so if they grew up with an image of a certain race and that image comes from what they feel is a reliable source, because of course, this is what they've known all of their life, then how can they take that leap and trust this candidate on the screen, especially with all the static and misinformation surrounding them?
but that is what this election is all about, its asking all of us to take a look at what we believe, and ask ourselves, is what we believe, what we really believe, as adults with our own life experience for our compass, or is what we believe a past down version of what other people believe, people who grew up in a different time or place from the life we've walked? if you find doubt in what to believe, then you are on the right track, because now you can consciously do the research and do what you know is right based on your own experience, and not follow the leader anymore.
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